Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

Kaelyn, Zack, and I were off school today for Veteran's Day. We went to the park today ... here are some pictures that we took.

I'm not sure what's going on here but Zack was insistent that I take a picture of him doing this, enjoy:-)

They spend A LONG time putting these flowers into the little holes on the ... the ... the whatever this thing is called that they yell into and it carries their voice to the other side of the jungle gym.

I was making up obstacle courses for them which all ended with them running into my loving arms at the end for a kiss. I couldn't resist getting some video footage of them coming up to the finish line. Here's Zacky coming towards the finish line for his smoochy! I was all ready to get Kaelyn running towards me too, but she fell off the monkey bars and hurt her back pretty badly.