Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Beef Cake!

Okay, as I was posting my last blog entry Zacky came in my room crying .. our conversation went something like this ....

Zack: Mommy, I put my shirt on right but I can't pull it down.

Me: Come here let me look .. (starting to crack up)

Zack: Mommeeeeeee!

Me: Hold on let me take your picture.

Zack: No Mommeeeeee!

Me: Just hold on ... smile.

Zack: Mommeeeeeeee stop.

Me: Just a couple more pictures!

Anyway, isn't he the beefcakeyist??? I am not exactly sure how he got his undershirt so tangled up around his arms and neck, but here are a few pictures I took of him. Zack always wants to be so independent ... he probably tried to figure this out himself for a long time before finally giving up and calling on me to help him out.