Saturday, November 1, 2008


Happy Halloween!
We had a great Halloween this year! I wasn't sure that I was going to make it after such a LONG day at school! I came home with a headache and a tight back/neck ... planning and carrying out a Halloween Day for a class is much harder that one might think. I was stressed out to the max by the time I got home from school, but my students had fun and that's what is important. Nothing like 15-30 minutes of alone time and a couple Advil to take care of a long stressful day!
We have a great neighborhood for trick-or-treating so we invited our friends over to pass out candy with us. We set up camp in our driveway and ordered pizza. We sat in the driveway passing out candy, eating pizza, and hanin out for several hours -- It ended up being a really fun night!
Kaelyn was a nurse this year and Zack was Spiderman.

Here's Jenna and baby Mckenna the bunny. She was the cutest little bunny in the world! Her costume was adorable.
Here's a close up of the cutest baby in town! I seemed to have caught "baby fever" last night. Can you imagine why??

My little Spiderman

The kids just came back from trick-or-treating. They were showing off the goods!
Missy, can you believe you will have a little munchkin next year?

Pretty Polly and Cute Kaelyn