Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

I hope that everyone VOTED today! Kaelyn and I are watching CNN closely to find out the results ... the anticipation is nerve racking to say the least!!

We are praying for a miracle -- Go McCain!

I voted early, but rather than mailing it in, I hung onto my early ballot until today because I wanted to take Kaelyn with me to drop it off at the official voting site. I thought it was important that she come with me and "experience" the democratic way for herself. I imagined myself walking past 100's of people standing in a long line .... right up to the front to drop my early ballot in the box. HA HA HA -- Not really the way it happened, there were only 2 people in line when we got there .. bummer (for us, not the people waiting in line)!! We ended up waiting in the line and then I let Kaelyn drop the ballot into the box.

Talk tomorrow!