Saturday, November 1, 2008

Jack & Jacky Lantern

In our family, we give an name to ABSOLUTELY everything. Every toy, stuffed animal, doll, picture of a doll (you get the point) has a name. Kaelyn probably has about 500 stuffed animals and dolls. Every single one of them has a name and a middle name and she REMEMBERS all of them. It's actually quite impressive! Naturally we had to name our pumpkins too.

Now I never said we were very original, so here's Jack and Jacky Lantern:-)
Kaelyn and I got bored from watching Mike carve the pumpkins so we started
taking pictures of ourselves.

After 6 years of watching her mother, Aunts, and all their friends snap pictures of themselves, here is Kaelyn's first picture of herself. In case you are wondering, all you have to do is pick up a camera, hold your arm out, point it towards yourself and SNAP! This was a "big girl" milestone in our family:-)


Kaelyn took a pictures of Zacky and I (as of now,
Kaelyn wants to be a photographer when she grows up).
Zacky is picking out the "guts".

A little pumpkin guts never hurt anyone:-)

Best Dad in Town!