I am not exactly sure what is going on .. but something stinks in Peoria! Many flies have felt free to take up residency in our home in the last couple days. The little pests have completely invaded our house, ruined my Mother's Day dinner, and just provoked me into a fight with one of them in the bathroom a few minutes ago (and believe me I was SO huge and SO ugly .. I caught a glimpse if my big self batting at the fly with a tight jaw and lips in the bathroom mirror)!
On Wednesday night I came home to find some TPT (Trailer Park Trash) strips hanging from our bathroom and kitchen ceiling. It was my first encounter with the strips or the fly problem for that matter. Mike said he came home from work and there were several flies in the house. If he decided to go to the store to purchase fly traps after getting home from work the problem must have been serious! His shopping trip included, not 1 but 2 fly swatters, several ceiling strips, and several window strips. For the record, the ceiling strips are SO embarrassing but its my job to support the hubby not question is fly trapping methods:-)
A couple of interesting facts have surfaced through our "fly dilemma": #1 Zack is a great fly swatter! He has already swatted several (last I knew it was 6) flies. I was shocked because I can't seem to swat a single one. Although the fraction of a percent Indian that runs in Mikes family does not show up in his skin color, it certainly does in his ability to sneak up on animals and take them down with one swoop! He's a natural hunter! I'm starting to actually believe Mike that there might be some Indian that runs in his family! Good thing .. I don't know what we'd do without Zacky to catch all those dirty flies. #2 Mike hates flies .. and flies have the ability to push Mike's buttons like no other! #3 A pesky fly can infuriate me if it does not cooperate with me in its demise! #4 I will finally admit ... my family is a bit TPT:-) I mean we DO have yellow strips hanging from our ceiling .. one of them even has a fly stuck to it -- yuck!
So flies can't be ALL bad, right .... let me research ... hold please .... okay its worse than I thought!! Did you know:
1) They live about 30 days
2) In that 30 day life span they lay 3,000 eggs -- what the????
3) Flies lay eggs in food
4) Flies vomit on food before eating it ... helps to liquefy it before consumption .. ugh!!
5) Flies defecate every 4-5 minutes -- please can it possibly get worse???
In all seriousness, these flies are driving us crazy! Any helpful advise would be much appreciated!
12 years ago