Monday, December 8, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas (the explanation)

Okay, I'm not sure what is going on .... for some reason I can't add text to my last post. So this post is just an explanation of the post from yesterday.

The kids had their Christmas play on Friday night. They did so well and we were so proud of them. Missy, Bryce, Jenna, Pibebomb, Amanda and her kids, and Darcie were all able to come see the little gems perform. The church said they video taped the play so I will purchase a copy for you Indiana folks to enjoy. The pictures of the kids wearing black are of Friday night before the play. (All the kids wore black in the play.)

The pictures of the kids in the snow were taken over at Missy and Bryce's house. Their neighborhood is amazing, they brought in snow so we had to go join in the fun. Lot's of snow, hot cocoa, hot cider, and cookies! I have more pictures to post from this day but I want to add the text along with the pictures. Some of the video clips require an explanation:-)

The last picture was taken on our way to Seth's state championship football game. We were running around all day and the kids had not eaten yet so we stopped at McDonalds. On the way to the game, Zack fell asleep mid-bite. What you see hanging out of his mouth are his fries! It was SO funny!!

Tomorrow is my last day of student teaching!